About Grand Old Movies

Voodoo Man

Here’s the Grand Old Movies gang together at one of our film viewings.

We love movies.  Specifically, we love old movies.  Which, for us, means—REALLY old movies.  Our blog covers the films of Hollywood’s Golden Age—movies that came out during the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, produced by such great Hollywood studios as MGM, Warner Bros., Paramount, 20th-Century Fox, and Columbia.  We’ll even look at movies produced by the not-so-great outfits—Monogram and PRC–when the mood strikes.  But whether a Technicolor epic or a black-and-white poverty row effort, no matter—for us, these are movies that are just grand.

By grand we don’t necessarily mean Great.  For many viewers today (especially those well below a Certain Age), “old movies” may mean the famous classics—Gone With The Wind or Citizen Kane, titles that most moviegoers will recognize (and may have even seen).  While we certainly admire GWTW and CK, let’s face it—they’ve been done to death.  What more can we say about David O. Selznick and  the search for Scarlett O’Hara? Or about Orson Welles’ auteurship? Or even about the manifold meanings of Rosebud?

Instead, our blog looks at movies that, while maybe not the most famous or fêted, are among our personal favorites—movies that we think have been overlooked, or that deserve a second look; that contain wonderful, quirky (or just plain weird) performances by favorite actors; and that posses a kind of energy, style, or even campiness that we think qualifies them as—well, as the blog title says:  as Grand Old Movies.

We look at a pretty wide range of genres, including westerns, horror, film noir, comedy, musicals, melodramas, and (a particular favorite) the Hollywood Biblical Epic. And we try to give you background on the films, as well as an analytical look at what makes them tick.

Our blog is updated about every two to three weeks, time and energy permitting.  You can subscribe (via the Sign-in box on the sidebar) to receive e-mail notices when a new blog article is posted. You can also follow Grand Old Movies on Twitter to find out about blog postings and other Grand Old Movies news: @GrandOldMovies

So come and visit and read about—those Grand Old Movies.

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  1. Hi — I can’t find your email address and I have a piece of info about the blogathon. Everybody is going to title their posts like this: CMBA Movies of 1939 Blogathon — Title of your movie. I thought this was the best way to get hold of you! Email me (if you remember mine! LOL!) and let me know you got this. Thanks, and happy blogging!

  2. Well, it happened again. I guess I don’t have your email right on my list of the blogathon contributors. I wrote a little personal thank-you to all the bloggers, but yours didn’t go through. I especially wanted to be sure you got this from me:

    Page and I will be posting an official end of blogathon thank-you on the CMBA site today, but I just wanted to send you all a personal thank-you for all your hard work and incredible quality. I expected that with so many bloggers involved, there would just have to be a clinker in there somewhere (I worried that it might be mine!) You all did just a fantastic job. Putting together this monster blogathon was completely worth the work, and the best part was becoming familiar with blogs I had not yet really explored. This really makes the CMBA feel like a community of like-minded people. Can’t thank you enough.


  3. You are cordially invited to the first Carole Lombard blogathon. From Oct. 6 to 9, “Carole & Co.” will sponsor “Carole-tennial(+3)!” named for the 103rd anniversary of Lombard’s birth. You can learn more about it (along with banners you can borrow) at http://carole-and-co.livejournal.com/427564.html.

  4. Chris

     /  September 14, 2011

    Please e-mail me when you get a chance, I’d love to discuss reprinting some of your posts on http://www.moviefanfare.com.

  5. Hello! My name is David and I write a movie blog called “The Man on the Flying Trapeze.” I received a Liebster Award from a fellow film blogger and one of my jobs is to tag other bloggers, so you’re it! I invite you to visit and answer a few film-related questions. Thanks!


  6. Just wanted to let you know I’ve nominated you for The Versatile Blogging Award! Thanks for such great writing 🙂

    Thanks for the Nomination for The Versatile Blogger Award

  7. Hi, I have nominated you for a Liebster Award, one of several blogging community awards on WordPress. You can find my post here, with the rules and questions


  8. Eddie

     /  February 12, 2016

    I don’t see a link to The Lullaby of Broadway number; was it removed?


  9. Hey there! I nominated Grand Old Movies for a Liebster Award. Here is my post:

  10. Liina

     /  November 29, 2018

    I was not a fan of old movies, but for Thanksgiving, when I went to my parents’ place, we had a classic film marathon which I really enjoyed. Since then, I have been reading a bit on productions that I might find interesting. I am glad I came across your blog!

    • Thanks so much – glad you’re enjoying old films; there are many cinematic treasures out there; plus there are a number of blogs covering old movies – the Classic Movie Blog Association is a good place to start.

  11. I am writing to invite you to the Columbus Moving Picture Show. Our vintage film convention runs May 26-29 at the Renaissance Downtown Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. Throughout the weekend, we run 16mm films in our screening room, host a ballroom full of dealers, a seminar room, and book signings. Our focus is on rare movies from the 1960s and earlier.

    We would like to offer you a free press badge in exchange for a review on your blog. Please let me know if you are interested in attending this event.

  1. Comparing other blogs

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